Girl Scout Visit to NJIT to Learn about STEM

Girl Scout Troop and their parents visit NJIT labs and meet with faculty and students to learn about STEM and college possabilities as part of STEMfroSUcces. Remember, STEM is in Everything we do!

On Friday, February 16, 2024 STEM for Success hosted Girl Scout Troop 71063’s visit to NJIT to tour
STEM Labs and learn more about the STEM work happening at NJIT. The girls visit began with Dr
0Gerrard, Chair of NJIT’s Physics department . He provided information and activities related to
Space weather and the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. After this, the troop were engaged in
Dr. Pal’s Biomedical Engineering Research lab where they learned about exoskeletons for disabled
soldiers. Students learned about the exon-suits and the process for video capture of movement used
to assist with rehabilitation processes. Finally, after lunch the girls visited Dr. Zhang’s Chemistry and
Environmental Science labs. NJIT students presenting their research into purifying water by capturing
excess Phosphorus . Another research project uses hydrogel to remove pure water from contaminated
water sources. The scouts worked with lab equipment to run tests and predict the results of the tests
they were shown. Overall, the girls in the troop and their parents had a great time and learned a great
deal about how STEM is relevant to their everyday life.